Connect with your higher self and who you truly are with Seraphim Healing.
Connect and improve emotional flow, release stresses and any trapped energy you may have and provide improved energy and clearer thinking.
The Seraphim are 12th dimensional Angels that surround the Godhead are now assisting with the ascension of the earth and can be accessed through higher channels. They connect you with your higher self and who you truly are. Perfect and whole and divine. Seraphim, Seraphina, Seraphisa and Seraphiel work closely with Metatron, Lady Gaia and the cosmic diamond flame. They blaze their light through your energy field transforming and transmuting lower vibrations into higher pure love and light.
"It is time to heal ourselves and reveal our true selves, whole magnificent and completely release old energy patterns and habits. Release traumas and forgive, move through blockages and obstacles and into the light. Creating space for a higher vibration to enter, What I call life in the magic carpet where all things are possible.".
Amora is higher dimensional and multidimensional and brings through a plethora of high energy love and light. The energy is that of the Blue Ray Sirius lineage. Light bearers bringing through lots of blue and violet energy colours. Blue Ray beings are empathic, loving and compassionate Soul activators and awakeners. They are also alchemists and energy workers transmuting dense energies.
Amora also brings through the Christ conscious energy and sister of the rose and Mary Magdalene. Amora has had many incarnations as a high priestess of the Rose, Isis, Atlantis and Lemuria. Amora has trained as a high priestess in all the temples of Atlantis and ancient Egypt.