Paulina is a naturally gifted, high vibrational, Multi-Dimensional energy healer, talented Sound Healer, Psychic Visionary and Speaker. Her gifts of visions and healing come though at a young age and were closed down until adulthood where she now has developed a deep connection with her higher self, Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. She is also grounded and is a Shamanic Earth Healer. with a deep connection to the elements.
Paulina has been doing healing naturally since a small child but this has grown and developed over the years as she has done deep healing on herself and others and has expanded this multi-dimensionally. Paulina works as a healing channel through her higher self Amora and over-lighted by her team of Seraphim, Angels, ascended masters and her celestial team and works from her healing temple in her garden in Manchester or internationally over zoom. Paulina also does healing at events and during cacao and other ceremonies.
"It is time to heal ourselves and reveal our true selves, whole magnificent and completely release old energy patterns and habits. Release traumas and forgive, move through blockages and obstacles and into the light. Creating space for a higher vibration to enter, What I call life in the magic carpet where all things are possible.".
She is a spiritual teacher with lifetimes of experience, knowledge and wisdom to share which she does through events and workshops. Paulina is also a seer and does Angelic Card readings. Her healing also involves a close connection working with crystals. Paulina is a sound healing practitioner and uses this within her healing and sound bath events.
Her aim is to assist with the planet's ascension process and support with healing, activating, upgrading and aligning souls with their higher self and highest potential in this lifetime.