Reiki treatment can be a powerful tool in promoting physical, emotional and spiritual healing. By working with the energy fields of the body, I can help to reduce stress, anxiety and pain while promoting relaxation and feelings of well-being.
Reiki Healing
I channel Angelic healing energy through me to my client while they experience a sense of deep relaxation, healing and bliss. You will be given the opportunity to share any issues coming up for healing in a safe space and set a healing intention. I will call in the angelic realms and clear and balance your energy field.
I play Angelic music and follow the intuitive healing guidance I am given from my higher self, Angelic realms, ascended masters and galactic healers. I am sometimes guided to use angelic music, sound healing, use crystals and give guidance.
I mainly offer this through Distance healing, over Zoom or What’s App as it is equally powerful energy that is not bound by time or space and healing can be sent anywhere in the world through the ether. Although one to one sessions can be arranged.
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Amora is higher dimensional and multidimensional and brings through a plethora of high energy love and light. The energy is that of the Blue Ray Sirius lineage. Light bearers bringing through lots of blue and violet energy colours. Blue Ray beings are empathic, loving and compassionate Soul activators and awakeners. They are also alchemists and energy workers transmuting dense energies.
Experience the beautiful Divine Feminine healing through the Rose Healing Ray. The energy is held by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Ouan Yin and Aphrodite It is especially good for embodying self-love, deep inner beauty, self-esteem, empowerment and womb healing.